Monday, January 24, 2011

Cowboy Boots and Scarfs- A Love Story

Cowboy boots dress up a simple outfit and give it a touch of real style. Scarves do the same. When we put them together, one messy outfit tranforms to a chic day.

The best colors to buy Cowboy boots in would be brown or black. Other colors are too extreme and draw the wrong kind of attention. The brown looks really nice with a sun dress or a pair of jeans. Black cowboy boots are best worn with jeans and a tank top/sweater: Kate Beckinsale (left). But the two best thing abouts them are: they're comfortable and they look even better with age. Cowboy boots don't all come with heels, they can be bought flat or with a kitten heel (1/2"-1" tall). They are supposed to look rustic and slightly dirty so the more you wear them, the better they will look!
Cowboy boots are something different from the usual Uggs and sneakers during the colder seasons. They have the potential to dress up what could be a sloppy outfit of jeans and a large t-shirt versus a pair of Uggs. When you look good you feel good and cowboy boots boost the ego because your self-esteem is high. So when you buy your pair make sure you don't just wear them you rock them.

Scarves come in all colors so it's hard not to match. Also, scarves can be so cheap especially when in Manhattan (Canal St. "cashmere" scarves- 3 for $10). The even better thing about scarves is the endless way to wear them:
-tied and laid down
-folded and tucked into a loop
-tied left/right
-wrapped around once with end in front & back
-wrapped around once with ends in front
-tied like a cowboy

Scarves and boots boost confidence in an outfit without dragging a person out of their own realm of style. Though the cowboy boots add an edge, the scarf gives a sophisticated and elegant touch to an outfit. It's great in the work place because it eliminates sexy outfits by covering the chest and neck- in addition to its main purpose of keeping the neck warm.

Notice that person is in italics in the previous paragraph. Women are not the only ones who can pull of scarves! Men do it on a daily basis and it is a trend that decreased and now on its way back up. It is not questionable for a man to wear a scarf. It reflects a man is confident in his sexuality and likes to keep his neck warm. Jay-Z has 99 problems but his scarves ain't one so boys lock and load your scarves.


  1. I was going to comment on the things one shouldn't wear over 20 - I suspect I've worn most of them, so must be a sartorial nightmare - but decided to go with this post instead. Just cowboy boots? Would any other boots (apart from Uggs, obviously) be a good, dressy option?

  2. Yeah I'm just saying boots really with a heel show off sophistication and dress up simple outfits. I think uggs are more for comfort than something I would wear out to a dinner or to work.

  3. Again very good fashion tips. And you are certainly right that brown and black boots are the best colors. I always find the bright colors funny to look at because they are just so bright. Great post.

  4. I agree, fashonista!!! A great pair of cowboy boots and a dazzling scarf will accent any outfit in any weather!!
