Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How low can you go? No really.

How low is too low? 

And who sets the bar?

Apparently it is Sesame Street. On September 23rd, 2010, Katy Perry was turned down for her low cut out-fit by Elmo for being too revealing.
The episode was supposed to be shown for the New Years Eve  Elmo Special but after review was edited and completely cut out Katy perry and her low cut top. 

The too-low-cut outfits really hit the world at the 2005 Grammy's when JLo wore a dress that showed all. Though she has the assets, her outfit was completely inappropriate. 
Beyond the cut in the chest, the slit went all the way to her hoo-ha; nobody wants to see your hoo-ha JLo. In addition to the revealing of, well, everything, the dress is sheer. We can see she's not wearing a bra and her very white underwear. 
This display by Jennifer Lopes shows she may have been Grammy worthy, but no fashion award can celebrate this outfit.

Here we have a nice figure on Rachel McAdams but the low cut just does not compliment her. She's tiny but the low, is too low once again. The low cut does not flatter her because it makes her even smaller. Women these days do not take pride in their shape and this is a prime example. McAdams obviously girl next door gorgeous, is turning herself into a flat plank instead of showing off some curves. As well as the color makes her bland tough she was shooting for a black and white elegant look. The low cut was supposed to make her stand out but the attention she is drawing makes her look small and flat.

We have found her- the low cut queen!

She rocks the low cut, the curves and the elegant black. Mila Kunis, another girl next door featured in both serious and funny broadcasts and films, lights up the bold red carpet at the Writers Guild Awards in 2010. By wearing a not so low, semi-revealing, classical cocktail dress showing curves and cleavage she reflects herself as sexy and classy. Thank you Mila Kunis.

So in response to Lil' John when he so elegantly stated "Get Low," we take a stand in fashion and say, not too low ladies. 


  1. You are very right! I mean in my opinion Katy Perry's outfit wasn't terribly low but for a kid's show I'd say so. You don't see Zoey with boobs in a boustiere after all right? JLO is just in a category of her own when it comes to that dress...I'm also glad somebody pointed out that Rachel McAdams had too skimpy of a dress on. She's a classy lady who ought to fit the part! And as for Mila Kunis I RARELY ever see her wearing a bad dress at a publicized event. I like the dress too :)

  2. I agree, these days people are just going nuts over cleavages and everything else! Please leave something for the imagination!

  3. Well, if individuals would keep a certain class about themselves when wearing revealing clothes then it would be acceptable. However, to outright degrade ones' self is unexplainable and is inexcusable. Individuals, male or female should be cautious about what clothing they wear and how they present themselves.
